How do you make your videos?

Thank you for asking! The process is: my partner and I trade ideas back and forth until we find one that makes us both laugh. Then, we gather whatever props we might need (i.e. we might need to bake a cake, or find a crystal ball, or go through our library for the right mix of books and fun things). We then film the video, and then — the hardest part — we edit it. We film everything on an iPhone, and our editing program of choice is Adobe After Effects. I hope that helps!

Any advice for new writers?

Keep writing until your ability measures up to your taste. Listen to everyone and then do your own thing.

What are your favorite books and movies?

A small sampling of works I’ve liked:


Howl’s Moving Castle, Ella Enchanted, Psyche in a Dress, Ender’s Game, Song of Achilles, Uprooted, Spinning Silver, Sorcery of Thorns, Darius the Great is Not Okay, Poet X, The Folk of the Air, Strange the Dreamer, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Warcross, Akata Witch, Six of Crows, Aurora Rising, Harry Potter, Broken Earth, Murderbot, Agatha Christie, Italo Calvino, Meg Medina, Terry Pratchett


Lawrence of Arabia, Roman Holiday, Contact, Gladiator. Anything by Hayao Miyazaki, classic Disney animation. 8 ½, Children of Paradise, Casablanca. Mad Max: Fury Road, Alien, Avatar, Casino Royale, Terminator 2, Total Recall, The Matrix, The Prestige, Hot Fuzz, Pan’s Labyrinth, Pacific Rim. Little Women (2019), Sense and Sensibility, Fiddler on the Roof, Harold and Maude, Thelma and Louise. Creed, Lords of Dogtown, Ocean’s Eleven, The Devil’s Envoys